
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Play Date with Dominic

Today, Peyton and I got to see my friend Michelle and her son, Dominic! It's been a while, but we had fun. We met for coffee, where Michelle and I were able to catch up a bit, then headed over to Mitchell Park and let the boys run around. Unfortunately, Peyton and Dominic spent most of the time on different ends of the play area, but it was fun nonetheless.

Peyton really liked this elephant statue. (Dominic was playing on the slide on the other side of the park.)

He spent quite a while looking at it and stroking it.

But, he wouldn't let me put him on it.

He also enjoyed finding leaves and other things in the sand.

Dominic chose to play with traditional toys and he actually lets Michelle put a hat on him!

Dominic had fun on the elephant!

We did manage to get them both on the little car.

Having fun!

And, Peyton also took a liking to the construction cones.

Peyton also liked the frog statues in the water area (which was turned off).

Michelle got a great video of the boys playing in the car.

Thanks for such a fun time Michelle and Dom!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Forward-Facing Carseat

Today was a big day for us! We turned Peyton's carseat around to be forward-facing. He was stretching his legs and bowing his back when it was still rear-facing, so we figured almost 16 months was long enough.

He was very confused as James put him in "backwards"...

And it took a few tickles from James to get a smile, but he was happy with his new view.

Now, he just sits quietly and looks out the window at everything we pass!