
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Two-Month Doctor Visit

Peyton had his two-month doctor's appointment this morning. Dr. Glinder is very happy with his progress.

He is 22-1/2 inches long (29th percentile) and weighs 12 pounds, 1.8 ounces (56th percentile). His head circumference is 39.1 centimeters (26th percentile). So, he is small for his age (but what would you expect with 5'4" parents?) but his weight is average.

As part of every appointment, Peyton's socialization skills are also checked. He's smiling, cooing, and following people with his eyes. Dr. Glinder was very impressed and says that he is ahead of schedule and is socializing like a 3-month old! James and I are very proud and will continue to read to him, sing to him (he'll "sing" [coo] along sometimes), and talk to him.

The appointment ended with three vaccinations - two shots in his thigh and one oral vaccination. He really didn't like the taste of the oral vaccination and he REALLY did not like the shots (his high-pitched cry got even more shrill on the second shot), but he calmed down relatively quickly and has been sleeping for most of the day. He's a little more fussy than usual, as can happen when infants get shots, so I have the infant Tylenol ready, just in case.

A couple shots of our sleeping little guy. He no longer fits in 90% of his newborn clothes, so we've moved him up to 3-month clothes which are still a bit roomy.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Carseat Comparison

Just a quick post to show two pictures of Peyton in his car seat, to show how much he's grown!

Monday, May 18th: 1 week old.

Thursday, July 9th: 8 weeks, 4 days

And a bonus smile!

Peyton's Two Months Old Today!

I can't believe our little guy is two months old today! He will be 9 weeks on Monday! Last Sunday, James and I measured him (23 inches) and weighed him (11 pounds). We'll get official measurements (and his percentiles) at his two-month appointment on Wednesday.

He started off the day sleeping blissfully.

Look at his cute little knuckles.

Here he is hanging out in his Boppy.

"Go get me that Mom!"

"Or else..."

I finally got a picture with my little guy!

Since James was willing to take the pictures, I figured I should take advantage of it.


James was in the mood for a Stacks skillet breakfast on Wednesday. Before you get concerned, we did not go to the Menlo Park location, where you may recall that I fell and where my water broke. We went to the Redwood City location. :-)

Peyton was just falling asleep when we got to the restaurant, but woke up for good halfway through our meal. James picked him up and ate the rest of his breakfast with Peyton on his lap.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa Stafford's Visit!

James' parents, Jim and Barbara, arrived from Pittsburgh last week. Peyton had so much fun with them and loved them from the very beginning (the feeling was mutual!). He's going through a growth spurt so he spent a lot of time sleeping during their trip...

In love from the very first day. :-)

Mom having fun with Peyton while....

...Dad was having fun with the Wii.

After the golf game, Peyton got to spend time with both grandparents.

Peyton loves his grandpa!

One more pic before Grandma and Grandpa continue their Western baby tour - off to Albuquerque to vist Matt, Kathryn, and baby Lisa!

Baby Sounds

Here's a short video of Peyton hanging out on his mat while listening to President Obama.

Peyton loves Obama!

During my pregnancy, I found it really amusing that Peyton would kick and really move around whenever Barack Obama spoke. Now, I see that we are raising a little Democrat (no Alex P. Keaton for us!).

James took his parents to Pescadero on Saturday to take a tour of the Harley Farms goat farm where they produce some of the yummiest goat cheese. We had taped the Primetime special earlier in the week with Obama's town hall meeting to answer questions about his proposed universal health care plan.

I had Peyton on the floor "playing" with some colorful toys while I listened to the program.

Peyton favors facing right when he's lying down, so we're working on getting him to look the other way. All of the sudden, Peyton's head moved to the left.

I followed his gaze to see what it was that could make him move his head so quickly...

Obama held his attention for a good 5 minutes!

Too funny not to share.

Peyton's Ultrasound Pics

We got our new scanner, so I was finally able to scan in our ultrasound pictures.

Ultrasound 1: November 13, 2008 (12 weeks, 4 days pregnant).

This was our nuchal translucency ultrasound test. They measured the width of the sac at the back of the head and neck. Peyton's was well within the "normal" range, so the technician had some fun taking pictures for me.

Ultrasound 2: January 5, 2009 (20 weeks pregnant exactly)
This was the anatomical ultrasound to ensure that Peyton's organs were growing correctly. They checked his heart and lungs, his face (to look for a possible cleft palette), and the gender.

This is our favorite picture - Peyton was already giving us orders. :-)