Today was Peyton's four-month check up appointment with Dr. Glinder. Dr. Glinder continues to be happy with Peyton's development. He was surprised to see that Peyton plants his legs down when held up on the table. It looks like he will be an early walker, just like his Daddy was (at 9 months). By the way Peyton kept kicking his legs while lying down, we all agreed that swimming lessons will be a must as soon as he turns six months (along with running and kicking and cycling when he starts walking and beyond). We are going to have one active kid!
Peyton is also showing more interest when we eat, so once he starts grabbing for our food, we'll start attempting solid foods - typically begins within 4-6 months. I've got my Beaba Baby Cook ready to start preparing all his food freshly rather than buying pre-processed food or dry cereal. Living in California, there's just no excuse to not go fresh.
Peyton's measurements were as follows:
His "height"/length is 24 inches, putting him in the 15th percentile among other male babies his age.
His weight is 15 pounds, 1-1/4 ounces, 52nd percentile.
His head circumference is 41.1 centimeters, 20th percentile.
It's funny to think that he's "small" by percentile comparisons because he just looks so big to us!
Pictures to come later. :-)