It still amazes me just how quickly this year is flying by. It feels like we just brought Peyton home from the hospital a few weeks ago, and he's now 9 MONTHS old! Incredible.
We went to see Dr. Glinder today for his 9-month check up. He continues to be thrilled with his development. Peyton showed the "right" amount of stranger anxiety when he came in. And, he kept looking at James for reassurance while he checked out the doctor.
Dr. Glinder was surprised to hear that Peyton is standing up and cruising already, but given that James was an early walker, we're not too surprised ourselves. He was more surprised to hear that Peyton has already started "talking". His vocabulary is expanding and is bilingual! He now says "Mama", "Dada", "Daddy", "Papa" (my Dad), and has switched to calling my Mom "Abu". In addition, he says "Atta" which we finally figured out means "Alli esta" - Spanish for "There it is".
Dr. Glinder agrees with us that we're going to have an extremely active and, it seems, smart little boy, so we've got our work cut out for us (I wouldn't have it any other way!).
The visit started out with his measurements, so here you go!
Weight: 20 pounds, 9-1/4 ounces (52nd percentile)
Height: 27-1/2 inches long (25th percentile)
Head circumference: 44.5 centimeters (27th percentile)
He's getting so big - we had to upgrade him to a bigger carseat last month. We opted for the Britax Roundabout, a convertible carseat that holds babies from 5 pounds to 40 pounds. It converts from rear-facing to forward-facing, so it should be a while before we need to replace it (or rather them - we bought two; one for each car).
And, here are a few pictures to show you what Peyton is up to these days.
He just LOVES it when James throws him up in the air.

He loves to play with his blocks. (More on that below.)

And, as he's teething (no teeth yet), this is extremely typical for him: He'll pick up a toy.....

...and it immediately goes into his mouth!

He loves to play with his talking Cookie Monster. He picks it up by the eyes because it talks when you open his mouth.

He can stand up really quickly now. He can do it all in just one action. From his knees... his feet in less than 2 seconds!

He likes playing in the kitchen. We got a new refrigerator last year that has a reflective black finish. Peyton is fascinated with his reflection in the freezer door. We've nicknamed his reflection "Pedro". Here he is kissing Pedro. Peyton loves giving kisses.

As I mentioned above, Peyton really enjoys playing with his blocks. We have confirmed that he can stack the blocks, but he doesn't really like to. He much rather prefers to knock them down. It makes it a fun game for us all as James and I will stack the blocks into various shapes and sizes, and Peyton bulldozes them!
As you can see, we're having a ton of fun. :-)