
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Shirley and Patrick's First Visit!

Peyton got his first out of town guests last weekend - my sister Shirley and her husband Patrick flew up from Mexico City. They moved there last year when Patrick accepted a position at the new Mexican corporate offices of Best Buy.

Peyton loved his aunt and uncle which is great because they also have agreed to be his godparents! The baptism plans are underway - more information to come. They also spent the weekend strategizing how to take Peyton back to Mexico with them without me and James noticing - didn't work. :-)

Here are a few pictures of Shirley and Peyton (Patrick was working on overthrowing James' high score on the Wii Fit Slalom exercise - he succeeded).

(This is Peyton's Automatic Sprinkler onesie which definitely suits its owner).

Peyton was very sad to see Shirley and Patrick leave on Tuesday. :-( But they'll be back soon enough!

1 comment:

Nicole Robison said...

YAY. So wonderful to see Sheeshie. Hopefully she won't hurt me for keeping with the nickname we used when we were seven...

<3 Nicole