
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Peyton at Three Months

Peyton is three months old today!

We don't go back to see Dr. Glinder until next month (and get another round of shots), so I don't have official stats for you. I estimate his weight at about 13-14 pounds now and his length at about 24 inches. He's getting so big!

Here's a picture with Grandma Nelida kind of showing his length.

His body is finally catching up to his mind's desired activity level too. He lvoes to play in his activity center. He managed to inch his way up a little bit after much work. We think he'll start crawling in the next couple of weeks! And, he really likes to stretch his legs, so we think he'll be an early walker (like his Dad). We've already started researching security gates and new wall plugs. :-)

He also has great neck and back control, so I propped him up into a sitting position. He enjoyed the new perspective from this position.

Peyton waking up from his morning nap. He's such a happy baby!

Here's a short video from last night. James was playing with him in his activity center. As you can see, he's talking up a storm!

And here's a video of Peyton playing with his Baby Einstein star toy which he loves.

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