
Monday, January 11, 2010

Peyton is 8 Months Old!

On his Aunt Tracey's birthday, Peyton turned 8 months old! Happy Birthday Tracey!

I must apologize for the lapse in posts (I've backfilled some posts for the past couple of weeks). The past month has been a bit crazy now that Peyton is crawling. He can really zip around.

Two weeks ago, Peyton mastered the art of standing up! He likes to crawl over to the entertainment center (with the mysterious shelves full of stuff that is trapped behind impenetrable doors - glass).

As you can see, he spends a lot of time here.

He still really loves to play with James' work badge (which we've affectionately named "Badgie").

Ruh, roh - he seems something that prompts him to climb up (but he can't).

He really enjoys playing with his activity center. He loves all the music, as well as the English and Spanish language sounds.

Another of his favorite things to do these days is sit by the floor register and wait for the warm air to blow up at him. While he waits, he likes to read books and play with his other toys.

I saved the biggest news for last - Peyton is showing signs of walking! Shortly after he started standing up, he started taking small steps.

And, here you'll see that he's getting close to standing up without support.

His language skills are really advancing as well.

So, as you can see, we've been staying pretty busy around here!

We go back to the doctor next month but for now, we're estimating his weight at about 20-21 pounds and his height at about 26 inches.

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