He is 22-1/2 inches long (29th percentile) and weighs 12 pounds, 1.8 ounces (56th percentile). His head circumference is 39.1 centimeters (26th percentile). So, he is small for his age (but what would you expect with 5'4" parents?) but his weight is average.
As part of every appointment, Peyton's socialization skills are also checked. He's smiling, cooing, and following people with his eyes. Dr. Glinder was very impressed and says that he is ahead of schedule and is socializing like a 3-month old! James and I are very proud and will continue to read to him, sing to him (he'll "sing" [coo] along sometimes), and talk to him.
The appointment ended with three vaccinations - two shots in his thigh and one oral vaccination. He really didn't like the taste of the oral vaccination and he REALLY did not like the shots (his high-pitched cry got even more shrill on the second shot), but he calmed down relatively quickly and has been sleeping for most of the day. He's a little more fussy than usual, as can happen when infants get shots, so I have the infant Tylenol ready, just in case.
A couple shots of our sleeping little guy. He no longer fits in 90% of his newborn clothes, so we've moved him up to 3-month clothes which are still a bit roomy.

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