Yesterday, Peyton turned ONE! James and I cannot believe how quickly the past year has flown by.
Peyton is such a fun little boy! He loves to play and sing and dance. And while he knows how to stack things, he prefers to tear things apart: stacked blocks, the classic Fisher-Price stacked rings, everything!
He's eating meat, fish, and chicken now too. Now that it's Spring, peas are in season. As I have time, Peyton and I had fun tasting different varieties of fresh peas. His order of preference: snap peas, English peas, and snow peas. I'm still cooking all of his food using organic fruits, vegetables, and meats (grass fed steak, home ground; organic air-chilled chicken breasts; fresh-caught Petrale sole). This kid eats better than us! And, I started introducing cow's milk, which he didn't refuse. So things are great!
We took Peyton in for his 12-month checkup with Dr. Glinder this morning. Dr. Glinder continues to be thrilled with Peyton's development. As he walked in, Peyton was standing on the examination table with one arm leaning against James (to hold himself up). Dr. Glinder was amazed because he said he doesn't often see many one-year olds who are able to do that. :-)
Peyton is taking a couple steps here and there but hasn't mastered the art of walking just yet. He can go very short distances as long as he knows there's something waiting for him on which he can hold. That's A-OK with me as it's hard enough to chase him around the house as he's a very speedy crawler. He can crawl from the front door to the kitchen in about 25 seconds. He definitely keeps me on my toes!
Here are his 12-month stats:
Height: 29 inches, 25th percentile
Weight: 22 pounds, 11.5 ounces, 50th percentile
Head Circumference: 46.5 centimeters, 54th percentile
And just a few pictures of my little man!
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