There's a train station about a mile away from Peyton's preschool, so we decided that a 4 stop ride would be perfect as a starter trip. I dropped James and Peyton off at the Redwood City station. I waited with them until the train came.
Peyton was SO excited.
He was happy to hear the train.
There it is!
Waiting patiently.
So excited!
I apologize for the loud screech of the train's brakes as it stopped at the station, but here's a quick video of them getting on the train.
I picked them up at the California Street station and we made our way over to the Carnival. We had a lot of fun, and Peyton got to experience his first jumpy house. He loved it!
Then it was back to the train station and I got my turn to ride with him back to Redwood City, while James drove to pick us up.
The earlier train had been very full, so Peyton had to sit on James' lap and couldn't really look out the window as there was someone in the window seat. The Northbound train was pretty empty, so we got seats to ourselves and Peyton got to sit by the window.
He was surprised to hear the conductor's voice come over the intercom.
We had fun!
I tried to get him to look at my phone while saying Chugga Chugga Choo Choo, but he was glued to the window. Once again, I apologize for the loud background sound.
He was really fascinated by how fast things were passing.
He LOVED riding the train. He keeps asking to ride the train again. Now, he wants to ride the train to the Academy of Sciences. The train station is on the other side town, so we'd definitely have to split up and have one of us drive up and pick us up and then drive to the Academy. Maybe....
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